Adventure Men's Ministry is dedicated to connecting men with each other through events like Men's Breakfasts, bi-annual Man Camps, as well as growing in the Word of God through weekly Bible Study on Tuesday nights at 7:00pm and Fridays at 7:00am. For information, please email or check for upcoming Events.
Men's Ministry
WOmen's Ministry
"Mosaic" Women’s Ministry is dedicated to building up and encouraging one another, supporting our Adventure Church family, developing friendships as sisters in Christ, and growing in deeper relationship with the Lord. Mosaic Women’s Ministry provides Bible studies throughout the year, quarterly Ladies' Brunches, as well as an annual Women’s Retreat. All women ages 16 and up are warmly invited to join in these activities. For information or questions, email or check for upcoming Events.
Core groups
Adventure Core Groups are community groups that provide a biblical approach to help build your relationship with God and each other. Our Core Groups take on many different forms, locations, and schedules to meet the needs of our diverse population. Journaling Groups study the Bible together on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Check out our Core Group Finder to find a group that is a fit for you!
legacy makers
Legacy Makers is a group for seniors around 60 and up want to make an impact on the world around them, and of course have fun together! See photos and more, here. Meeting on the 3rd Saturday of each month, we focus on relationships, serving, and growing in the Lord. For information, email Pastor Ira at or
celebrate recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ Centered 12-step program that is written from a biblical perspective. If you're struggling with any addiction, hurts, habits, hangups, or anything that can lead to the brokenness of addiction, please join us at 6:30pm on Monday nights at Adventure Church! Please contact Cynthia Wyatt for more information at for more details at 385-234-0373.