Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...


(See Groups for more)

  • Get INVOLVED - interest form

    Serving is one way we can participate in building the Kingdom of God. It blesses other people, brings God honor, and helps us grow personally. Serving can also be fun and develop deep and lasting relationships!

    We have several ways for you to serve at Adventure Church. If you are looking for a place to get involved, please complete this interest form and someone will contact you with information.

  • Victory Youth (7th-12th grade)

    Victory Youth Group for grades 7-12 meets every Wednesday from 7:00pm-8:30pm at the Adventure Church. It's a great place to connect with other young people in a fun environment with games, worship, and teaching. No registration required. Check out our YOUTH PAGE or Instagram Instagram


    This 12-step Christ Centered addiction recovery program meets Monday evenings at the Adventure Church at 6:30pm. Contact Cynthia Wyatt for more details at cyn041111@gmail.com or 385-234-0373.

  • Baptisms

    Have you made the decision to follow Jesus and want to declare your new faith by being baptized? Let us know by clicking here and we will contact you to schedule a day for your baptism. We can't wait to celebrate with you!

  • Baby Dedications

    Have you recently welcomed a new baby and want to dedicate them to the Lord? Let us know by clicking here and we will contact you to schedule a day to dedicate your baby and pray over them with our Church Family.

  • core groups

    We love to grow in Christ as we do life together! Adventure Core Groups meet for community and Bible Study throughout the valley on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month. Journaling Groups and Interest Groups are held on various days, times, and locations. See information about all our groups on the Group Finder.