Week 4: LOVE Family Night

Below is the discussion guide on LOVE for families with younger kids, along with a craft idea.  

Don't forget to go back to the main Advent page for the LOVE IN ACTION weekly challenge and this week's videos on LOVE.

LOVE Table Talk

Advent Wreath: Light all four candles

Ask: What are some things you love? Why do you love them?

Read: John 8:12-2

SAY:  Remember how we talked at the beginning of Advent how people were living in such a dark time and needed hope? We read prophecies of how a great hope and light would come! Well now we see that JESUS is the hope fulfilled. God loved us so much that he sent Jesus.

ASK: Make a list of words that describe Jesus. Then look at the words on the edge of this placemat that describe baby Jesus. Are these words you normally use to describe God? Do they match your list of words?  

Have kids Re-tell the story of Jesus’ birth in their own words.

ASK: Why do you think God chose to come into the world as a helpless baby? What does this tell us about God? 

ASK: If you went to visit baby Jesus and his parents right after he was born, what would you say and do? When you love someone, what do you say or do to let them know you love them? What are some ways other people have shown their love for you?

PRAY: Lord thank you that you loved us so much that you gave us your only Son to be the savior of the world.  Help us to live out John 13:34-35 to love one another as you have loved us and show it in our actions and words.

CRAFT:  Candy Cane hearts (perfect to make after reading Legend of the Candy Cane). See recipe here.

  • miniature candy canes, 
  • dark chocolate
  • holiday sprinkles.


(Don't forget our LOVE IN ACTION challenge this week:    

What sacrifice would you make for someone you love? Demonstrate your love by going above and beyond: 

For kids...have them make suggestions (doing a sibling's chores, helping mom or dad with a project around the house or doing an extra chore without being asked by parents) 

Email connect@theadventure.church to tell us what you did and how it impacted people.