This year, we are focusing on growing as disciples of Jesus and becoming more like Him. One of the best ways to grow in your personal life and in your relationship with the Lord, is by reading through the Bible and writing down what God is speaking to you through it. 

We are using the Life Journal Reading Plan to read and journal through the Bible together as a church family. By the end of 2024, we will read through the Old Testament once and the New Testament twice! You can Journal through the Bible on your own, with friends and family, or in a Journaling Group. Purchase a journal below, or jump to the calendar of Bible readings here. You can begin anytime throughout the year!

Please email if you have any questions or would like to share a testimony. We can't wait to hear what God does this year! 


One of the best ways to remember what you read in the Bible and apply it to your life, is to write it down. The Life Journal contains the passages to read each day and space to write about it. 

Purchase your journal HERE


Take your journaling experience to the next level by joining others to discuss what God is speaking to you through the Bible: 

Tuesday Nights: 7:00pm Men's Group meets at Top Shelf Cabinets, 7850 S. 1300 E., Sandy UT 84094

Wednesday Nights: 7:00pm Co-Ed Group meets at Adventure Church (on hold through summer)

Friday Mornings: 7:00am Men's Group meets at Adventure Church

Journaling Groups are a great place to study the Bible together, get other perspectives, and build relationships! 


Pray and read each day's scripture verses and ponder these three questions:

1.  What part of today's reading stood out to me?

2.  What is God saying to me through this passage?

3.  How will my life be different because of what I just read?

Write down what God speaks to you about what you read, and pray about applying it to your life. Share what God spoke to you with someone to encourage them and help solidify it in your heart.


  • August 1st, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Isaiah 65, 66; Psalm 62; John 3

    Express Reading Plan: Isaiah 65:17-25; John 3

  • August 2nd, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: 2 Kings 21; 2 Chronicles 33; John 4

    Express Reading Plan: 2 Chronicles 33; John 4

  • August 3rd, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Nahum 1-3; John 5

    Express Reading Plan: Nahum 1:1-8; John 5

  • August 4th, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: 2 Kings 22; 2 Chronicles 34; John 6

    Express Reading Plan: John 6

  • August 5th, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: 2 Kings 23; 2 Chronicles 35; John 7

    Express Reading Plan: 2 Kings 23:24-25; John 7

  • AUGUST 6th, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Habakuk 1-3; John 8

    Express Reading Plan: John 8

  • AUGUST 7th, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Zephaniah 1-3; John 9

    Express Reading Plan: Zephaniah 3; John 9

  • AUGUST 8th, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Jeremiah 1, 2; John 10

    Express Reading Plan: Jeremiah 1; John 10

  • AUGUST 9th, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Jeremiah 3, 4; John 11

    Express Reading Plan: Jeremiah 4:1-4; John 11

  • AUGUST 10th, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Jeremiah 5, 6; John 12

    Express Reading Plan: Jeremiah 5:20-31; John 12

  • AUGUST 11th, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Jeremiah 7, 9; John 13

    Express Reading Plan: Jeremiah 7:23-26; John 13

  • AUGUST 12th, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Jeremiah 10, 12; John 14

    Express Reading Plan: Jeremiah 10:6-7; John 14

  • AUGUST 13th, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Jeremiah 13-15; John 15

    Express Reading Plan: Jeremiah 15:19-21; John 15

  • AUGUST 14th, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Jeremiah 16, 17; Psalm 96; John 16

    Express Reading Plan: Jeremiah 17:7-10; Psalm 96; John 16

  • AUGUST 15th, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Jeremiah 18-20; Psalm 93; John 17

    Express Reading Plan: Jeremiah 18:1-10; Psalm 93; John 17

  • AUGUST 16th, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: 2 Kings 24; Jeremiah 22; Psalm 112; John 18

    Express Reading Plan: Jeremiah 22:3; Psalm 112; John 18

  • AUGUST 17th, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Jeremiah 23, 25; John 19

    Express Reading Plan: Jeremiah 25:5-7; John 19

  • AUGUST 18th, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Jeremiah 26, 35, 36; John 20

    Express Reading Plan: Jeremiah 35:15; John 20

  • AUGUST 19th, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Jeremiah 45-47; Psalm 105; John 21

    Express Reading Plan: Psalm 105:1-11, 42-45; John 21

  • AUGUST 20th, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Jeremiah 48, 49; Psalm 67; 1 John 1

    Express Reading Plan: Psalm 67; 1 John 1

  • AUGUST 21st, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Jeremiah 21, 24, 27; Psalm 118; 1 John 2

    Express Reading Plan: Jeremiah 24:7; Psalm 118; 1 John 2

  • AUGUST 22nd, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Jeremiah 28-30; 1 John 3

    Express Reading Plan: Jeremiah 29:11-13; 1 John 3

  • AUGUST 23rd, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Jeremiah 31, 32; 1 John 4

    Express Reading Plan: Jeremiah 32:17; 1 John 4

  • AUGUST 24th, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Jeremiah 33, 34; Psalm 74; 1 John 5

    Express Reading Plan: Jeremiah 33:6-9; 1 John 5

  • AUGUST 25th, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Jeremiah 37-39; Psalm 79; 2 John

    Express Reading Plan: Jeremiah 38:20; 2 John

  • AUGUST 26th, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Jeremiah 50, 51; 3 John

    Express Reading Plan: Jeremiah 51:15-19; 3 John

  • AUGUST 27th, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Jeremiah 52; Psalm 143, 144; Revelation 1

    Express Reading Plan: Psalm 143:8-12, 144:1-2; Revelation 1

  • AUGUST 28th, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Ezekiel 1-3; Revelation 2

    Express Reading Plan: Ezekiel 3:16-27; Revelation 2

  • AUGUST 29TH, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Ezekiel 4-7; Revelation 3

    Express Reading Plan: Revelation 3

  • AUGUST 30TH, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Ezekiel 8-11; Revelation 4

    Express Reading Plan: Ezekiel 11:19-21; Revelation 4

  • AUGUST 31st, 2023

    Classic Reading Plan: Ezekiel 12-14; Revelation 5

    Express Reading Plan: Ezekiel 14:12-14; Revelation 5